Entries from 2015-10-01 to 1 month

Facebook Introduces A New Plan For Providing Privacy

The social media site has rolled out a new privacy plan for its users to make sure they are secure from all kinds of hacking threats. Recent news about Facebook Inc talks about the measures that have been taken by the social media giant in…

IBM Introduces "Cognitive Business Solutions" Department

IBM launches its own Cognitive Business Solutions unit to advise other businesses on the best way to gain from its artificial intelligence software, Watson. International Business Machines Corp. has now established a new business segment t…

Tesla Sales Report Fails To Impress Due To Slow Quarterly Growth

The company has been growing its sales yearly but the changes on a quarterly level have turned out to be quite slow and unsatisfactory. Tesla Motors has announced its sales report for the third quarter of the current financial year and the…

Apple Inc. Wrist Watch Saves A Life

The heartbeat monitoring wristwatch by Apple has played a great role in saving a football player's life as the teenage guy gets the instant first aid because of the notifications by watch.It is expected that smart watch by Apple Inc. (NASD…