Apple Inc. Wrist Watch Saves A Life


The heartbeat monitoring wristwatch by Apple has played a great role in saving a football player's life as the teenage guy gets the instant first aid because of the notifications by watch.

It is expected that smart watch by Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) might have actually rescued the life of the teenager (17 years old boy). The wristwatch gave him high reading continuously, which indicated that the boy need to have some kind of medical checkup. If there is no watch in the boy’s wrist, he might not be notified regarding his heartbeat, which would be dangerous for his life.

The boy, Paul Houle, plays football for Tabor Academy. He bought the wristwatch few days earlier, as he felt something wrong considering his heartbeat because his heart was beating beyond normal pace and even strange was that his heartbeat followed the same pattern after the football practice also and this same condition stayed for hours.

Paul Houle described his whole condition during his first pre-season football practice and his condition after that. He said that he played from 10 to 12 during first practice, while second practice session was from 3 to 5. During this practice session, he started to have respiratory problems and felt back pain, which resulted in its kidneys failure.

The coach of the football checked the reading from the watch in the boy’s wrist, which indicated the matter going on and he took the boy to the school nurse straight away. She again noted some readings and took the patient to the hospital for further treatment. It was found that he was suffering from rhabdomyolysis, which revealed a muscular injury. This injury occurs when the soft tissues break down, which causes internal bleeding and discharge of protein into the blood stream.

It is observed that this disease is very common and especially cricket, football, and Rugby players suffer from such injuries, but the critical cases, as Mr. Paul’s, would led to the death. He has very good luck on his side that he was wearing Apple’s watch that indicated the instant reading at the time about the boy’s condition. This is great Apple news for its company as well as for its products that its device saved a life.

This is the first case in the history that a smartphone company put forward a device that provides the benefit to the suffering patient. The organization is looking forward to serve more and facilitate the humanity by introducing more innovative devices in future.

Apple always seems devoted to its products. It feels pride in its wide range of quality devices. Competitors look forward to the company.